so much has been going on lately! my goodness. i have so many pictues, so i apologize in advance for how long this post is going to be...
October 1 was dave's 30TH BIRTHDAY!!!! i begged him to take the day off so we could have a fun day of suprises i made him cinnaman roll cupcakes (his favorite) and we went to disneyland. then i took him to a pirate dinner show and we had so much fun. 
probably the best ride at CA adventure!!! 

Then the next day we had a party with the families. dave requested a 3 layer cake (3 layers in the shape of a 0...haha) with the middle layer chocolate chip and the frosting fluffy. easy order, huh? but super fun to be creative. and it turned out good. well...good tasting. on the drive from our house to his parents, it started looking like a dr seuss cake. 
then a few days later, i went to the wild animal park with ammer. we can't believe we have been friends for more than 15 years! it was such a great day!
yes, we made the other kids wait so we could take a picture. haha. a little 10 year old girl even offered to take the picture for us.
and since there was a request to see our tile, here are a few pictures of that (i had the camera out at home... disregard the lack of baseboards, that's another project. :) ) Didn't dave do SUCH a great job!!!?

For dave's birthday, i had wanted to take him to a super good shaved ice place i discovered in San Diego. But since it was south instead of north, we went a week late. it is a fantastic hole-in-the-wall Hawaiian food restaurant and the shaved ice was almost as good as Shimazu in Hawaii... made us want to go back for another visit...
Then we went up to visit with Elida for her 91st birthday! she joined in on the singing and we had a good time with family...
and since i'm sick of dragging pictures down the post, i'm gonna do another post with the rest.
one night while dave was on pager, jordy and i got to go see cats at a local theater here. not gonna lie, super strange play, but fun to spend time with the jordster. we figured out what was going on during the play by reading the synopsis on my phone during it. we did love the music and the dancing though. funny to see people wiggle their bodies like cats. jordann had a good time trying to act like them. the outdoor theatre here has grass seating so we sat up in the back and had a subway picnic.
The next day, i tried a new bread recipe that an older lady that works in the temple gave me. it was SO good and she taught me how to braid it like a pro. just for fun, here's a picture of the dough, pre rise and pre bake. just cuz it's pretty.
For dave's birthday, i had wanted to take him to a super good shaved ice place i discovered in San Diego. But since it was south instead of north, we went a week late. it is a fantastic hole-in-the-wall Hawaiian food restaurant and the shaved ice was almost as good as Shimazu in Hawaii... made us want to go back for another visit...
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