Tuesday, May 10, 2011


sometimes I sit after my little monkey goes to sleep and quickly
review our day. I wonder if I read to her enough, sang to her enough,
talked to her enough...but I find myself always asking 'did I hold her
enough today?' it's so easy to just watch her play and not get too
involved, but the days when I know I did my best are the ones when I
laughed with her. when she sat on my lap while we discovered new
things she can do instead of me just observing...
I hope this little lady always knows that she is loved beyond
comprehension. isn't that the most important gift we can give them?
the knowledge that they are loved... how much greater a world could
this be if more kids knew how loved they really are?


Erin Collins said...

So sweet! I think the same things everyday! Can you even believe how much you love them?

Sugufam said...

TIMES 6! there are not enough hours in a day!!

Elizabeth said...

That is a sweet thought...of course my best days are days when I actually get to just see me kid! I am jealous of your life!