WHAT A GREAT WAY TO SPEND THANKSGIVING MORNING! it was gorgeous out! i ran around oceanside and ended up running the last leg of the 5K on the beach. this is definitely something i will do again and again.
the best part is that i ran the whole thing. there was a day when this would have been no big deal for me, but anyone who knows my anaphylaxis stories and how i haven't ran more than 2 miles at a time since then will understand. i fully intended to walk it. i was just excited to be up and about at the beach on such a glorious day. right before it started, i decided "i'm going to run this. the whole thing." so i moved up to the running section. no, it wasn't my fastest run ever. and no, it wasn't really that long of a run. but i was SO proud of myself. there was a moment when i thought i wouldn't be able to do it, but then this lady i passed had a shirt on with the scripture on the back "i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." yeah, that's a paraphrase. but it reminded me that i can! so i kept running despite all of the fears rushing through my head, and even picked up the pace for the last mile. as i sprinted through the finish line, i totally cried. yup. i did. i was so proud of myself and SO grateful for a body that is stronger than i give it credit for.

So here's to being grateful for all that we are and pushing past the walls that hold us back from all that we can be.