the bureau of printing and engraving, where they print like 900,000 dollars a day! CRAZY! super funny though, in one of the rooms they had a sign hanging that said "how do you think i feel!? i just printed my salary in a few minutes!" they don't let you take pictures inside, but the people working were super funny. kept holding up money to us like they were offering it to us.

the longest escalator in North America - 2nd longest in the we hear...
the DC LDS Temple. SO pretty!

the Constitution! crazy!
our super cute hosts/tourguides. :)
we also got to hang out with my cousin mandy! she has such a great place out there and it was so fun to get to see her! it has been forever since she and i got to hang out! she took us to mount vernon and to the pentagon and stuff and put up with the FREEZING wind with us. :)
Ford theatre...
(the booth where President Lincoln was shot is behind us. it's a working theatre and they keep that booth decorated in his honor)
Fun at the Air & Space Museum. i LOVE how all the museums are so interactive! so much to learn and explore. our heads hurt by the end of the day...
outside the capitol
the Lincoln Memorial...
dave's first ride in the subway...
outside the white house...
and inside the gates... my friend Lauren's dad took us on a tour. we also got to eat at his family's restaurant... he's such a great guy and we were SO grateful he took the time to show us around
lincolns top hat at the smithsonian. i love that he was SO tall and still wore top hats.
and kermit was there too. :)
Did i mention it was Restaurant Week out there? Yeah, we explored a few of them, and yes, they were DELICIOUS!

overall, we had a week of amazement and inspiration. to walk the halls that incredible people have walked and to feel the reverence in those places. it just amazes me how much we have and we both walked away more grateful for those who have gone before us. ironically, there was so often in our trip when i felt a sense of sadness for not knowing more. as we went through the smithsonian museums and saw the planes and the history of the world wars, i was sad that i couldn't call my grandparents and ask them about those times from their perspectives. i wish i had thought of that before...younger... but alas, thus it is. and we will just have to take the smithsonian's words for it... i'm glad there's someone out there preserving all that history for generations to come. :)